When your child learns to read, they can love learning.

Help them – finally – decode the tangle of Hebrew words and become a smooth, fluent reader. 

Schedule a (free) call with Chani

Reading challenges are masters of disguise.

They look like misbehavior – a child who’s trying to distract the class or teacher from seeing them fail on repeat.

They look like a “stomach ache” – because they’re way too sick to do homework and suffer through every unknown line.

They look like a learning disability – “they just can’t grasp the Chumash skills,” you hear the principal say. 

But something doesn’t add up. 

Your child is bright and capable. You know that they’re capable of so much more. And as a parent, you're probably right.

 When your child has “just” a reading challenge or complex learning disability, it spills into the rest of their life.

But it’s fixable.

She’s excited to read books and to share what she’s learning. Overall, she is a much happier child.

Our daughter had a negative attitude to learning and was anxious to go to school every day. We tried tutors for years, but no one really understood the issue so nothing changed. By the time we came to Chani, we were already burnt out from years of trying. We weren’t sure it would work. Chani pinpointed the issue during the evaluation and it was eye-opening to finally understand. Our daughter is now happy to go to school every day. She’s excited to read books and to share what she’s learning. Overall, she is a much happier child.

N. C., parent

When concerned parents ask, “How else can I help my kid?” It often comes back to this: Make sure they can read.

When a child masters the systems needed to read Hebrew, they will be confident, capable, lifelong learners who eagerly tackle new challenges and don’t dread school anymore.

Give your child that gift.

Answers to questions you might be asking

  • Yes! In-person evaluations and sessions are based in Brooklyn, but there is a Zoom option for families who aren’t local. I’ve worked with students across the entire United States and even as far as Europe or Australia.

  • Either one. Many schools allow students to attend sessions during school hours because they recognize how vital the sessions are to a child’s chinuch. If the timing or schedule doesn’t work out, I have after-school hours on Zoom or in my office.

  • We both share the same goal: graduate your child as soon as possible – but not before they’re equipped to read with confidence. On average, students graduate, and can read with confidence and ease, after ~15 weeks of sessions.

    Every case is unique — CKM students have graduated as quickly as 4 weeks, and some require more support.

  • Sessions should be regular enough to keep up the momentum, while also spaced out to allow the child to internalize and organize the new information. In my years of experience, I’ve found that meeting twice a week allows for the perfect balance between regularity, and space for the child’s organic learning process — a balance that is a vital factor in bringing about a successful outcome.

  • No, the evaluation is not a commitment. I’ll evaluate your child, present you with a personalized plan, and then we can either proceed with sessions, or you can choose to continue on your own.

  • Yes. I offer a masterclass that teaches the foundations of the CKM so that any provider can implement it. Just note, I can’t assume responsibility for the plan being implemented by someone else.

  • Yes, it would be an excellent route by which to address your child’s kriah. CKM is all about focusing on the specific foundational skills responsible for difficulties with kriah— especially important with learning disabilities. The curriculum is personalized to the whole child, and so it is highly adaptable to every child’s learning needs.

    The method has been used effectively with students with auditory processing delays, language processing disorders, dyslexia, aphasia, and ADHD, as well as other diagnosed learning difficulties.

  • Yes, Rabbi Braun reviewed the method and endorsed it as being 100% aligned with Chabad mesorah.

  • I’m excited to offer homeschooling parents an opportunity to register for the signature CKM course as an exclusive homeschooling cohort.

    [learn more about the CKM annual Homeschooling Course]

  • Yes, there is! Simply sign up to receive our emails. We send out regular emails with tips from the pros, interviews, case studies, and updates on offers and services.

Chani's Holistic Approach Transforms Moishe's Learning and Confidence

Chani didn't just work with the reading issue. She thought of Moishe as a whole person and helped him in so many different social and academic areas. Chani gave him the kriah skills as well as a renewed confidence in himself. After having a hard time with Hebrew reading, he is now learning how to daven for the amud and how to layn from the Torah. It’s all a continuation of what Chani gave him four years ago.

Shaindy Rosenblatt, parent